Tag Archives for " Blank Plate Boulder "

UNSUB 008 Chef Matt Collier on hyper-local food and putting restaurants out of business

EPISODE 008  “Understand that there is no perfection in the world.”  Chef Matt Collier of Seeds Library CafĂ©, in addition to having wide ranging experiences and opinions about food, has a goal: put restaurants out of business. He’s put in his 10,000 hours and it’s beyond rewarding to share this conversation with someone who has internalized so […]

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UNSUB 003 L.R., his Toyota Previa, and connection hospitality

EPISODE 003…in which co-host Jenna speaks with L.R. about his recent re-emergence from his van and the real job of people in the service industry. Jenna led the conversation in unexpected directions and the result was a super fun experience.

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